
The weight of the world was on Blake's shoulders, and he grimaced as he used the hilt of the Swizzling Knight to hold back the first battalions of creatures.

He knew he could only manage to counter the first waves in that vulnerable position, and he was growing more skeptical by the minute as to how long he could maintain it.

Whilst Steel God fought on the other side, Blake found himself almost crushed by the creatures that pressed down upon him. His Gold Luck entitlement may have given him a fighting chance, but for how long could it last? The intensity of the battle was taking its toll on him, and the limits of his Sovereign strength and beastly power were fast approaching. His arm groaned under the strain, and the ichor that held his bones together felt as if it were about to give out. If he didn't find a way out of this jungle of monsters soon, he would undoubtedly be reduced to a bloody paste in minutes.