In an artificial galaxy created in the realms of the cosmos, planets called bubbles exist. Enclosed with 2 layers of liquid matter, they are considered as aquaplanets. They are evidently small but many in quantity, just like bubbles in a Jacuzzi. If that sounds interesting, let's dive deeper into the bubble.

The first layer is called ozonosphere, it is the one that protects the planet from ultraviolet rays, keeping the planet safe from radiation in space. The second layer is called the mist, inside of it is a flat surface, just like a diameter in a circle. Surprisingly, there's an ecosystem inside of it. Trees, rivers, air, and different creatures all exist inside of the bubble. It looks like an aqua planet on the outside but it is not flooded on the inside. How everything works here sounds fishy.

Since creatures exist inside of it, civilization is also set inside of it. Basically, everything was already pre-set. Technologies harmoniously coexist with nature as every single one is civilized, no war, politics, crime, just existing in peace. Sounds dreamy right?

An artificial ecosystem disguised as an aquaplanet, has civilized beings yet no conflicts arise. How is that even possible to begin with? Beliefs, morality, status, there are a lot of aspects that are bound to clash with each other. There is only one answer to it.

Going back to the said Mist, the second layer is the one that fully represents the name bubbles. Encircling the whole area, the Mist pops every 24 hours. It will take 1 hour to Encircle the whole area then the 24 hours count will start again. Each time that the Mist pops, the ecosystem itself goes to recovery mode. Trees heal, livestocks repopulate, rivers cleanse, everything goes back the way it used to be in one hour span. On to the intriguing part.

As everything resets, so do everyone's memories. Every time the mist pops, their memories will be wiped. Those who live inside can only remember the pre-set rules as soon as the reset occurs. Once done, the 24 hours starts again, as well as their lives.

No past, nor future, history don't exist, the same can be said to the hereafter, only the present matters. A life bound by the pre-set rules, how will you live everyday?