One Long Night#9

[Long time no see, Zero! Glad to see you are still alive.]

I saw the familiar screen in front of me and the first question that popped in my head was,"What just happened?"

I waited for the owner of the system to answer that question and he didn't make me wait as another message appeared on the same screen.

[Is that how you say hello to your benefactor?! That makes me really sad, you know? Still, I understand what you must be going through, so I guess it would be inappropriate of me to not explain things first]

I looked at the screen with my expression turning serious as I prepared myself to hear what he wanted to say…

[Firstly, I am neither a 'he' nor the 'owner of the systems' though in a way I am but not really… Aaah! Why is it so hard to tell it without telling you everything? Damn it! Alright, listen. I have a name. It's Adbaldar Amon Chancellor Rahl Gomer Stibbons. Call me that please!!]