Planning for the future#4

"Thank you so much!! Thank you!! Thank you!!" She kept crying with relief as she bowed down to me and I sighed with a small smile as I looked at the lady in front of me.

Currently, I was once again in the white dimension as I was on my way to meet Claus. It looks like there was another person whose fate I changed by the act I did last night. Her desire was quite similar to the previous boy with a small addition to wanting to see his husband even if it was through a screen. Though…

"It hasn't even been a day and there were already 2 murders, huh?" I thought as I looked at Elle inside the white dimension, who seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

'What is she thinking?' a bit curious about what was going on in her brain, I looked at her and moved towards her, leaving the lady where she was. Though, finding me walking with curiosity towards her, it didn't seem like she minded my behaviour.