Meeting at the Airport

-And today we will be looking at the findings of the crash of flight no. 176 that was flying from Bluemoon City to Arcadia City. With 347 deaths and only 2 survivors, it was really tragic what happened to those people. The current…

The flight to Iredale will take another hour before it takes off, still Zero was sitting in the waiting area at the airport. Wearing a thin black coat over his white shirt and a black jeans he was currently reading a diary which includes a number of things he needed to do in the Iredale Castle where Mark Leeway and his family resides.

"Hey! Can I sit here?" a certain young woman of about 18 asked Zero as she pointed at the empty seat right beside his. Zero nodded before shifting a bit and then immersed himself back in the diary. The blonde-haired lady, a bit curious about what he was reading, took a peek in his diary and what she saw made her confused as she turned to Zero before asking,"What… are you doing?"