
Avalon, the name given to the Kingdom of Gods by the residents of planet Vermillion, and that was because the place has artefacts and magic that could possibly only exist in the realm of Gods. For starters, it had an altar that allowed you to change your System in exchange for something precious related to your life… a sacrifice of sorts.

There are some ways that could increase your potential that was predetermined since birth… However, the catch is also equally big. While the gate allowed multiple people to enter and try their luck, however only a couple of beings are known who had succeeded in getting the rewards they desired. The fact that you can take on only one challenge and that too just once in your entire life added another layer of complexity to it.

Well… I had never got the chance to use the Gates of Avalon because by the time I knew about their existence, they were far away from my reach, with each gate being kept in the securest of places of the strongest clans.