A deal with Lucifer

"What kind of deal?" Lucifer spoke as he analysed my face and tried his best to see through me.

"I want you to come to me when I ask you to, no matter what the condition, no matter what the cost, no matter what the situation," I spoke as I peered deep into Lucifer's eyes and he, rather than getting angry, asked with an amused expression,

"And what do I get in return?"

"What do you want in return?" I asked without beating around the bush and he laughed at my words,"Haha, nobody has ever talked to me like that for such a long time… even the people who used to travel with me treated me as if I were a God or something… fascinating! How truly fascinating!" before his expression turns serious as he speaks,

"All right, then I will tell you what I want from you. I want you to help me persuade that kid, Lucas, into using my system and becoming more powerful than what he is supposed to be."

I looked at Lucifer for a few moments before calculating something and then speaking,"All right."