The Mechanical Angel

'Hmmm?! What just happened?' I thought as I realised that I had suddenly stopped walking. This feeling… it feels like I have been sleeping for sometime… What is… this strange sensation though?

Trying to get a grasp of my own body, I slowly pry open my eyes as I feel the sun shining brightly and it's light blinding my eyes . By reflex, I use my hand to shield my eyes from the sun.

It takes a few moments before my eyes finally adjust to that bright light and then I notice the thick forest all around me. Not long after, I began hearing the cheerful chirping of birds, not only that… I think I heard the roar of a few animals at a distance.

I then push myself against the ground and stand up to check myself thoroughly. I was wearing the same outfit, white-coloured shirt over blue jeans, it didn't seem like my clothes had changed. I then tried sensing my surroundings only to find that I could not use mana.