Taking a break from work...#2[R-18]

Hygeia… the amount of times she had helped me survive was something that I could not comprehend. Whether it was regenerating my stamina or allowing me to use her powers at times, every time I thought I almost died, she was there to help me out.

Even after she was gone, I could hardly imagine my life without the Spirit Magic that I have learnt to use from her. She was someone for whom I held eternal gratitude and I don't think I could repay her enough even if I were to give my all.

I stand up as I move closer to her and she too steps closer to me, all the while maintaining eye contact and our lips just a breath away. I could feel her slightly heated breath, which was filled with the spirit magic of Life, against my cold lips.

"Are all the spirits like these with their summoner?" I smirked as I teased her while using my hands to grab her from behind and pull her even closer to me.