Hellfire Forest#6 Minotaur Settlement

"What do you want from us, human?" the old minotaur looked at me with visible fury in his eyes. I looked behind him, into the settlement, and found out there were a few non-combat oriented minotaurs peaking at us from afar.

'Perhaps… It is similar to how Elves are. Despite them being monsters, they had evolved enough to be able to become a species with intelligence and self consciousness,' I thought before pondering a little and then speaking,"what was his name?"

My question made everyone look at me with a puzzled expression. Illiara and the sisters were just looking at me without doing anything, while Yetris, Dion and Ariel seems like they were wondering what I was trying to do.

"What?" The old minotaur, confused at my question, looked at me and I cleared his confusion,"he was strong. I enjoyed the fight… at the very least, I wanted to know the name of the one I fought and killed in such a thrilling battle."