A Small 'Brawl'

Elaric Leeway is a long sword user with the S-Ranked System, [Smoke Manipulation System], though he focuses more on his sword skills rather than his System. If I remember correctly, currently he is strong enough to defeat a peak A grade despite being so old… it has something to do with his past… I don't exactly remember why, but he has skipped many years of training in the past decade.

In the future… he survived for about a decade after the Second Cataclysm arrived, but in the end he succumbed to his own weaknesses. Though, that Elaric and this Elaric are way too different to be even compared properly.

I then took out my spear, which I had bought online when I was in Bryxton. It isn't as excellent as the weapons I am used to, but still it should do the job for now.


[3rd person's Pov]