
So what exactly is a parasite and where did it come from? Well… despite it being our natural enemy, we could only collect so much information about them.

First is the lowest of the lowest parasites, the Scout Parasites.

They hunt

They contaminate

They take over

They grow

They divide

They hunt again.

They have only 3 purposes:

One is to create inter-racial conflicts

Two is to create intra-racial conflicts

And three is to collect all the weaknesses and strong points about the races in question.

The scout's minimal power is SS level with the ability to fly with their insect-like wings and rip apart the flesh with their deadly sharp, long claws. Their main power, or perhaps their only power, not including the typical powers of contaminating and regrowing, is their physical prowess.

They are too f*cking strong to be killed by merely using physical attacks.