
Luna, as I have explained earlier, has its roots originating from the Moon, is a race specialising in magic exclusively of its own. Ummm… how should I explain it…. Okay, listen here,

There exists another form of magic, that is more niche towards the Moon, that is present on the Moon. While it is niche towards the Moon, in traces it is also present on Planet Vermillion as well. That energy, let's call it Lunar Energy, is something that only Luna, and those blessed by Luna's can use without restraints in their lifetime.

Now, back to Luna, they are a species with pure white skin, elf-like long delicate ears but without any natural affinity towards them; means that they can't use the energy of nature, unlike Elves who can freely manipulate it. Luna's main powers are shown more at night than during daytime, that too maximises in the presence of the moon.