Linda Brown

Blonde hair tied in a ponytail that reached a little below her shoulders and eyes filled with vibrant green. She was standing there with a shocked look as she saw Irene and I standing in front of the door with Irene holding my arm without any traces of hesitation on her face.

Her mouth agape in shock, and it looked like she wanted to ask 'what the heck is going on?' but words failed to come out as she just stood there trying her best to speak something.

"Can we come in?" Irene asked a bit awkwardly about her situation. Irene then finally traces her line of sight in which Linda was looking at and realising what she was doing, Irene kind of made a slightly horrified face before hurriedly leaving my arm and taking a few steps away from me as she looked at her hands before looking at me.

"I.. uh… I.." she looked like she wanted to speak something but she couldn't before I just chuckled and then spoke,"let's go in," and moved inside Linda's house under their constant gaze.