Secrets and Mysteries

I began by telling her about Lunas and their characteristic differences from normal humans. I told her about the reason why she could possibly be a Luna and the most probable reason her body rejects mana so much, including the reason why she can't eat normal food at all.

She was intently listening to each and everything carefully without making any sound. Even Linda, who was earlier in a mischievous mood before I started speaking, was now paying attention to each and every word that I was saying.

Once I was done with everything related to why she can't get stronger no matter how much she tried, she just looked at me with a half blank expression that seemed like she wanted to say something but it was still quiet.

"So… Do you know… how Luna can increase their power? Something that Irene can use?" Linda spoke with a slight pause in a low but serious voice and I nodded as I spoke.