Secrets and Mysteries#4

It wasn't that hard to remove the curse with the advanced blood assimilation I can do now. It took me a long time to get to this point, but during that journey, I have learnt quite a few things.

One of the things that I have learnt is the fact that my blood not only can cure almost all diseases but also all curses, whatsoever. I did not know about my being the rejection fragment beforehand, so I kind of always wondered what I am or exactly what my origin is.

Sometimes I wondered if I belonged to a special race or something, or perhaps the experiments done on me during the time I was captured had turned me into what I am today. Still, whatever the reason be, I was glad that I had this special ability or else half of the things… Perhaps most of the things that I was capable of, would be impossible to do.

Perhaps… I would have long died too, if I didn't have this speciality of mine.