Dining with the Leeways#2

Olivia Leeway was a beautiful lady in her mid-20s, and had been married to Elaric Leeway. She had black colored hair with bluish strips in between them tied into a long ponytail. Her black eyes looked really sharp right now as she glared at me. She had a fair complexion and was someone well versed in interrogation and similar stuff.

'I am speaking to you through telekinesis, so don't speak anything and answer only through your mind,' Olivia spoke in her mind and I, a bit shocked, looked deeply at her.

'Didn't she have a system related to understanding one's mind and presence? Does that system give her this ability?' I thought as I observed her and she, without any change in her serious expression, spoke through her mind,

'You are quite knowledgeable, I see. Still, that is not my concern. Tell me, Mr. Zero, what exactly are you trying to do?'

'What do you mean by that?' I spoke with a slightly confused expression before she glared at me again and then sighed before speaking,