The battle of Iredale Castle

After I walked out of that room, I immediately made my way towards the rooftop where I had drawn the circle. Earlier, I thought it would take more time to get to know everyone, but by fate and twists; I guess I ended up knowing about almost everyone within a single day.

Those I didn't get the chance to make acquaintances with, I think I should be able to see them in Arcadia City. As for the ones I have left here, if I remember correctly, they don't have a combat oriented system. Except Freya Leeway, about whom I already have enough intel to understand her best strategic position.

So that leaves me with about 6 people from the Leeway family, who would be participating in the battle.

Mark Leeway.

Elric Leeway.

Cedric Leeway.

Reeve Leeway.

Freya Leeway.

Rheo Delacruz.

I kind of wanted Irene to participate in the battle, but the current Irene is too weak, so I guess we can't have her putting her life in danger right now.

Outside of the Leeway Family we have…

Me, Zero