Arcadia Academy

Arcadia Academy, the best of the best academies, and the second best Human Academy in the entire planet of Planet Vermillion.

There were 57 people in this Academy that had survived till the very end of the First Cataclysm.

Out of 57, only 14 survived till the Third Cataclysm and after the Third there were only 7 people who survived.

Lucas Laurentz, the strongest backer of humanity or perhaps the strongest of the entire Planet Vermillion. He was sharp, cunning, dangerous, sister-con, someone who would even fight against the King of the Entire Intergalactic Alliance, just to show them who they would be messing with if they even looked at their sister.

Elizabeth, or more accurately, Annabeth Rose, the Lady of the Blue Moon. She was one of the strongest 12 in the end. Though killed by the Parasites, she still was feared even after death due to the nature of her magic. She had the ability to manipulate the very night itself to her advantage.