Arcadia Academy#6 Bernette

First, I will go where Bernette's test is going to be held. The Academy cleared out a massive training area and made it so that a test of physical and mental attributes was easily possible here.

It wasn't just about their Systems, but their depth of knowledge about monsters and other abilities and how they would deal with them. While Eliza, Elle and others would easily get through this one, I don't know about Bernette, hence I was there to check if she was doing all right or not.

If she were to struggle regarding anything, I can give her some tips to gain an upper hand here.

'Now, where is she?' I pondered as I scanned the crowd and after searching around for a few moments, I saw Mark and Britney on their own sitting at a distance. I looked around but found no one else there, which made me realise that her test might have already begun.

"Shadow style."