Arcadia Academy#12 Test of the Orthodox ones

Time passed, and the next evening arrived. We were at a stadium at the northern intersection of the Core and Inner Circle. The 10 Unorthodox ones were made to be seated with the highly assigned teachers in a grand open area from where the whole field was visible and at a distance on the ground I could see Lucas, Irene and the others observing me rather than the upcoming match.

It wasn't just them, but I noticed Adara and, at a distance, Amelia too, looking at me, trying to analyse me. The teachers who were assigned to me also peeked at me whenever they could and not just them, but my own Unorthodox classmates, were looking at me curiously.

I stood up, garnering the attention of everyone at once as their eyes were focused on me before I moved closer to the railings to watch the match more closely and properly. Placing my elbow on the railing, I rested my chin on my arm before taking a look at my buds that I planted to grow and bloom, finally taking their first step.