Arcadia Academy#14 Peter Richard

Amelia looked at Peter Richard with a curious expression before she made a sad smile and then, for a brief moment, Amelia's eyes caught mine before turning back to that kid.

Amelia then moves from Peter to Sabrina and observes her keenly and then sighs for some reason before she ignores me and moves a bit away from us and speaks,"everyone except Michael, Peter, Sabrina and Aidan, leave from here."

I was confused for a few moments, but then I saw the others leaving without speaking anything at all. A few teachers had their eyes narrowed at me before they left.

Once they left, Amelia smiled as she looked at us and spoke,"you can all relax now. No need to be so tense. Consider this your own home for the time being."

"They sure do follow your commands like a dog," Michael spoke with an arrogant tone as he looked at the others leaving. Peter just stood there doing nothing while Sabrina moved closer to Peter and spoke,"can you really not see? Are you using some kind of special sense?"