Arcadia Class 1E #2

"Ah! The Stairways of Knowledge. Of course, you are going to be curious about that. Well, good news for you. You can visit anytime you want," Professor Hoffman spoke with a bright smile as he raised his both hands and continued,

"Ever since all of you beat the rest of the world to enter this Academy, you have the privilege to use everything that this Academy has to offer… Only if you have the power to handle it, that is."

There was a strange smile and a sense of burning sensation in his eyes as he looked at the students of his class. I looked around to see the same burning gaze in everyone's eyes. They were motivated and their spirits were fired up.

'A Charm Magic that boost morale, huh?' I thought as I looked at Professor Hoffman, who was using a skill to make the students more motivated to test themselves with that Stairway of Knowledge.