Fight at the 8th Floor#2

'Guess the show still isn't over yet,' I smiled as I decided to stay back and observe for a bit more.

Adara's eyes were getting more piercing every moment and Lucas too started using more and more of his hidden skills, enough to break free from those Professors and dash towards Blaze.

Blaze looked at those two charging towards him and narrowed his eyes at them before taking a few steps back as he realised that he couldn't win against them.

'Or perhaps he thinks that he can win against them, but it won't be worth going against two of the strongest and most influential people of the Academy at once,' I thought as I observed and analysed his actions.

Adara and Hera moved towards Elizabeth and helped her stand back on her feet while Lucas just looked at Blaze and spoke,"go back. If you want to recruit her, do it the legal way and nobody would complain. Doing it this way… consider it a warning, but you won't be merely losing today."