Cleaning up the Trash

"What did you just say?" the guy in front asked with his eyes observing me with a serious expression and I sighed before ordering them,

"Stand in front of me and make a line!"

Using Charm Magic, I looked around and everyone, against their wishes, stood in front of me without wasting any time.

"What… What is going on here?" The leader spoke while the others were confused as to why their bodies were moving against their will.

I charmed them so that their bodies follow my command while letting them have their ability to speak freely and express their emotions.

I yawned a little and stretched as I stood in front of them and began counting the total number.

"8 people, huh? I believe there should be more of you who are not here?" I asked, looking at the person who was facing me directly.

He tried controlling himself and not speaking anything, however,"there are about 157 of us scattered all around the Middle Circle."