Cook Flynn

I walked towards the centre of the basement area. This place was more of a used training area which wasn't open to the new students yet because the runes present in this area were still discharged.

It was a monster core powered rune and was designed, keeping in mind the safety of the students when they would train using their maximum power. It also had a special healing function that allowed them to recover faster so that the training efficiency can be enhanced to another level.

"First things first, Rheo came here. Since I promised to teach you a new blade technique, I think it would be better to show you first," I spoke, and it made Rheo a bit confused as he looked at me hesitantly.

However, before he could speak anything, a black blade made of dark energy came into my hands and his eyes turned open wide. Adara, Lucas and Amelia also looked at me with a somewhat surprised expression.