Questions and Answers....

Geralt stood up, looked at me with a complex expression before observing Lucas, Annabeth and Adara, and specifically observing Lucas with a serious expression.

Pleus was about to shout something but Paul interjected and said,"we can't win. Geralt doesn't want to fight as well. If he really has the information regarding what happened to brother's girlfriend, consider that we have already lost this round."

Paul was observing me with slight fury in his eyes and, hearing his words, everyone turned to me.

'O! I thought Paul was a hard-headed kid with no brains, but looks like he got some, enough to read the situation,' I thought as I looked at them while all of them were observing me.

"Let's go," Geralt spoke as he told everyone in his group to move out. Since it was just about a couple of hours, he decided to wait for it.