Saviour of the world

[Lucas' POV]

Walking down the empty road, I tried recalling about senior Alianna, Geralt Icer's girlfriend. She was one of the few people I actually looked up to, despite our power difference.

Always ready to help people whenever she can, she was the idealistic, generous person whom you can count on.

When she died, a lot of us were not just sad but furious as well. All we knew was that her life signals suddenly went missing one day and then she was never found again.

Some thought it was a monster, while others thought it was a human who killed her. There were many speculations but no right answers were found. Except when that guy told… no, he showed us everything that happened…

'Just who is he… Reaper, Zero, Aidan… Just who exactly is he?' I thought as I looked back, trying to process everything, at what happened on the rooftop with that angel-like being, Lucifer.