Cristine Sinus Petra

"How long has it been that we have sat together like this? Perhaps it has been a decade already, hasn't it? Lucas, my dearest son. Tell me, how are you?"

"12 Years. 2 years before mom died," Lucas spoke with his eyes piercing William and William sighed without speaking anything.

From what I have known up until now, William was away on a long mission and because of some unfortunate event, he couldn't come back to Western Continent. By the time he had returned, it had already been 2 years since Lucas' mom died… no; she was captured by that monster.

'Should I tell them now or should I leave it as a surprise when the time comes?' I pondered a little before looking at the situation.

"You both will be accompanying me on a certain adventure. It will be about 3 weeks long trip and we will be visiting a couple of places," I spoke as I looked at Lucas and William and they both observed me for a few moments before William spoke,

"I don't mind it, but you have to convince him."