Black Water Lake

"There is something that I am curious about. Can you answer a few questions of mine?"

Everyone turned at me with a curious look on their faces and once I got everyone's attention,

"Since we will be going to 'that' place soon enough, my first question is about your thoughts regarding life and death? What do you think about the terms 'life' and 'death'?"

"A journey after birth and an end to that journey," answered Linda with a pondering look.

"Life is what we make of it, death is when we fail to do things right," spoke Rheo as he looked outside through the window.

"Life is a suffering filled with hope and death is a way to end that suffering," William spoke as he looked at me.

"A cycle of birth and rebirth?" Spoke Cristine, pondering.

"The most important things one can keep their eyes on," Lucas spoke after giving it some thought.

I looked at Reeve, who was quite as he observed me with a curious look and I shook my head before asking,