An old enemy of mine


A few minutes before Zero and his party arrive.

"(FIND THEM!!! THEY MUST BE HERE SOMEWHERE)" spoke a huge rhino faced monster as he commanded the other monsters around him to search for someone.

The sky was white as always, with the sand covering the entire land.

There were mountains and rocks scattered all over the place as far as your eyes can see.

Among the huge mountains, two human-like monsters with twin horns and blue-coloured skin were hiding from a battalion of Rhino headed monsters.

The human-like monsters were siblings, brother and sister, who had escaped from the enemy's camp and were now moving towards their home, but unfortunately, the enemy had caught up to them.


Breaking one of the giant rocks, the leader Rhino monster revealed the location of the brother and sister.

The brother takes out his spear and attacks the Rhino, though he is easily pushed back by the latter with an axe attack.