Training in the Neatherrealm

"Ah! I forgot to tell you, huh? Actually, the time flow here is different. 1 day here is actually 1 hour outside, also we are going to stay here for 4 months utilising all the time we can… just that your initial training lasts for 3 months."

"Huh? Wait a second! Doesn't that mean we can train here for years and it will be only a month on planet Vermillion?" spoke Reeve as he connected the dots, but before anyone can entertain that idea, Theia spoke,

"You can train for as long as you want, dear, but your soul has already started merging with the Netherrealm. 4 months is kind of a stretch, even with my powers, the most I can give you is 3 months here after that if you don't leave, I don't think you can ever leave from here…. Though you could be an exception, like a certain someone." Theia gave me a strange look before she asked,"did you figure out the reason for your strange constitution or is the search still on going?"