Within the dungeon

A wide empty room, with only a single source of light, a small window. That is what greeted me as soon as I entered the dungeon. The room was dark, broken and spooky with a strange aura.

There was no hint of how to proceed out of this room or move to the deeper floors of the dungeon. It was a simple four walled room, with one of the walls having a single small window.

Does the room have any secrets? Yes.

One window and a light coming into the room through it.

Was there a way out of the room through the window? It may look like it but no, if you go through the window, you will return to the same room before you could even realise.

So… how do we solve the 'puzzle' of floor one? It is actually easy.

I moved towards the window and covered the whole window with a dark aura, stopping the only source of light that was making things visible here, and as soon as I succeeded in doing that,