Unexplainable Event

"Okay. So tell me, young challenger, has our lord's son, Dion Tempest, taken his rebirth on that planet yet?"

I looked at that twin headed dragon before rummaging through that name throughout my brain… hmmm…

"I only know one kid named Dion… but I don't know if it is the same person which you are talking about," I said as I looked at them and they observed me with a curious expression.

I then began slowly describing that kid's description and with each word that I spoke, they looked at me with a really bright expression.

"Yes! Yes! Exactly that person. That power to manipulate time, that uncaring attitude that masked the feelings he held inside." Flak spoke with an excited expression.

"Reminds me of our King, Vladimir Tempest," Fulminate spoke with a pride filled expression.