“Tell me O Regressor! Quid tu hic!”

"Tell me O Regressor! Quid tu hic!"

I looked at him before answering that question,"I am here to change my fate… but what do the Overseers of Fate want from a person like me?"

"Ho! You have heard of us?" he asked with a surprised face and I spoke,"your brother, Alberthicus, died when he tried to kill me and take my powers for himself. He kind of explained how high and mighty you guys are."

After the third Cataclysm, there was a man who appeared in front of me out of nowhere and demanded to surrender my body to him. He spoke something along the lines of how he determines the future and how can he set my future to doom, to which I only answered with two respectful words,"F*ck off!"

They sounded surprised at my words before the front one spoke,

"We know that you killed one of us. But we did not know that he broke a taboo and revealed about us… now this changes many things…"