Prepare for the worst#2

"Why have you called us here?" The blue horned monster spoke as she looked around. She was the Queen of Envy. Her powers were to control the mist all around her and change its properties as she desired.

"What's the meaning of this? How can a light bearer exist here!!" A bit shaken, the King of Sloth spoke looking around, wondering what exactly was going on. He was the fastest among all the Kings, enough to destroy the whole Netherrealm by himself if Theia or the other 6 Kings didn't exist to stop him.

"I sense danger… from you!" pointing at me, a thin old senile demon with two crimson horns spoke as he observed me. The King of Gluttony spoke as his body was slightly shaking. Holding the power to consume anything, this guy was a menace to defeat, even in my previous timeline. He could literally eat any attack I threw at him.