Preparations in Netherrealm: The Queen of Envy

As I was walking through the forest, killing monsters and testing my fragments' powers and limitations, I soon sensed a strong energy coming from a distance from here.

A smile formed on my face as I finally found her.

The Queen of Envy, the loner of the Netherrealm, was coming towards me slowly and slowly. Her power of mist soon started spreading all around the forest, which made me smile a little as I stretched a little before looking in her direction.

Soon she too came into my vision, walking with all that mist around her as she looked at me with a slightly tired look. Though her expression changed as she spoke,

"Fight me before you talk to me." I smiled as I nodded. I knew she won't allow anyone to do something if the other person wasn't stronger than her. While there was also something related to how she would rather kill herself than do an unreasonable demand, too.

She then let all those mists flow towards me and I too walked towards it as I muttered,