Preparations in Netherrealm: Dungeon of Death#10

Floor 21

Element of Fire

One of the hardest Elements to cross.

My Death Energy and Dark Powers had little to no effect on them. My only way of dealing with her was the minute amount of water magic that I had learnt before.

"A challenger has finally arrived, huh?" she spoke as soon as I stepped into her realm. Looking at the dark red sky and the blackened rocky ground, it gave an eerie feeling comparable to that of Hell itself.

As for the voice, it echoed from a distant volcano where the Tree of Fire resides holding the Fire Elemental. I first started walking towards that area as I heard more of her voice with the distance decreasing.

"You have an Ice Elemental with you, huh? I wonder what you're doing here, then." "Hmmm. You don't seem to have any problem with the environment. What is going on here?"

"OH! Now that I have a better look at you, you are quite the looker, aren't you?"