Preparations in Netherrealm: Dungeon of Death#14

"You know the location of God of Water?!!!!!" Zephyrus asked, shocked beyond belief as he looked at me and I simply nodded my head with a small smile on my face.

"Where?!" he asked as he tried coming closer to me, but before he could reach, I took out my Deaths of Duality and pointed it at his neck. He stopped immediately as he observed me with the same shocked eyes, except they were for a different reason this time.

"Can you not come so close?" I spoke with a smile as I looked at him with my blade still pointed at his neck.

He turned to Ymir, who was making an awkward smile at Zephyrus.

Zephyrus then realised that his behaviour was a bit inappropriate, so he flew a couple of metres back before speaking,"Sorry. That was impolite of me. I was a bit too excited there. So.. uhm.. Can you please tell me where the Water God is?"

Looking at his behaviour, I sighed before asking,"and? What are you going to do with that knowledge?"