Preparations in Netherrealm: Dungeon of Death#18

Enaki was a nice guy. A nice monster… or whatever race he belonged to.

Though from what I have known from him in my previous timeline was that he was cursed to live in the lifeless worlds and his ugly form, which he had right now, was actually a part of that curse.

Anyone who sees him with their own two eyes will be scared to death. Anyone who hears him will start crying in fear and horror. It was a really horrible curse and the worst anyone can put on another.

"You look handsome as ever, huh?" I spoke as I looked at him with a smile and he chuckled a little and answered,"seems like you have changed a lot since the last time I met you."

One other thing special about him he told me was that he wasn't bound to time or space… or more like he was abolished by it. If he goes to a place where time flows normally, he would start deteriorating, another reason why he lives in the void.