A Call of War: The Flowers of Netherrealm

In Netherrealm, there exist races in every corner. Strange races and their strange abilities.

If I had to guess, I would say there were about over 1000s of races that kept themselves hidden in the corners of Netherrealm.

The reason is quite simple honestly, protecting themselves and getting stronger with every move they make. Everyone wanted to win over Netherrealm and take control over it completely.

Yeah… everybody wants to rule.

Though, we all know that is a pipe dream for many. Given the vastness of Netherrealm and the extent of the variety of races in this place. With every race being a form of monster, it wouldn't be odd to say that for every monster race, there exists another monster race that counters them completely.

So that takes us to the question of why are we talking about monster races? Well, simply put, each monster race can be used. And I plan to do exactly that.