A Call of War: Reaper V/S Mallorn

"Come," I spoke as I observed them.

This time… all of them turned berserk as they charged at me. All 15 of them at once.

'Nice,' I thought as I dashed to the closest one.

He was the one fighting with his fists, so I used my fists to parry his attack first. Given how he was using the branches to his advantage, I decided to cut his branches first as I released my death energy succumbing his.

I then parried him easily before doing a solid punch in his gut, pushing him towards the one behind him.

Four of them were already behind me with about a hundred branches, almost ready to hold my legs fixed to the ground. There were a hundred arrows of a dozen distinct elements coming at me from all directions. If that wasn't enough, a strange energy was filling all around the area that seemed to buff up the rest of the monsters.

'Perhaps they realised that their energy attacks won't do a dime to me, so they decided to buff their own? Nice thinking, honestly,' I chuckled a little as I spoke,