Legend Class!


"Oh? So that's the Grandmaster", I whispered.

"Really? He's just some gramps", Leo whispered back ,"I'm pretty sure I could beat him in my sleep"

Unfortunately for Leo, the Grandmaster heard him.

"You could beat me in your sleep, you say?" the Grandmaster chuckled as he moved closer to our table and stared at Leo ,"True, I may be an old timer but appearances don't account for ability now, do they?"

"N-n-no sir, they definitely do not!" said Leo hastily ,"I apologize for my comment earlier!"

Everyone in the room laughed and Leo's face turned red with embarrassment. The Grandmaster nodded at Leo and returned his attention back to more important matters.

"Although I enjoy spending time like this with you all, we must remember why we are here", he said ,"We shall move on to assigning the new students their respective classes"