First customer

[in the store all languages will be translated to allow better communication with the customer but you can buy data shards on languages once they are unlocked.]

"Ok thank you," Odin said as he looked at a very decorative door.

The door was the entrance to the shop for the universe of Warhammer. It was a miniaturized Eternity gate but instead of gold covering the door, it was covered with a dark blue metal.

The minutes passed and soon the hours followed. Looking at the clock it was already 3 in the afternoon Odin had gone back and made a sandwich which he was currently eating.

Soon the door opened and in came a man that wore pretty advanced armor. He held the symbol of the van saar on his chest. The man looked around with a skeptical look before setting his sights on Odin who took the last bite of his sandwich.

Odin stood up and waved before saying.

"Welcome to Valhöll the hall of the fallen what can I do for you?"

Odin made his way to the man and stopped a few feet away from him.

"Who are you and where am I?" the man said as he reached for his knife.

"I am Odin the owner of this store and as said before this is Valhöll my store we sell anything but please forgive us as currently, we do not have much," Odin said with a smile.

He had noticed the man's action but he felt no fear there was a guardian here to protect him and he also had to act as if he was not afraid even if he was. The moment you show fear is when you lose the people from the far future would not give him a chance if he acted weak.

"A merchant but how were you in my quarters what type of technology is this?"

'I would love to say we're doing this using normal quantum entanglement or we've been moved into a null space but it's probably magic.' Odin thought.

"Very advanced technology and we have more of such things would you like to see our items for sale I guarantee you will be interested in them," Odin said as he signaled for the man to follow.

The man stood still before letting his curiosity get the better of him and he followed Odin to a room that said vehicles. The two were met with a huge room that defined the odds even Odin was shocked but his face stayed perfectly calm.

At the sides, a few vehicles appeared but at the center, three giant Titans stood one was larger than anything and held a huge spear-like weapon.

The man looked at the giant mech in pure awe he had heard of the mighty engines of war but he had never seen them personally. He knew that only the top of the imperium held them but a merchant had one would they not kill him if they knew about this?

"I see that the colossus has caught your attention would you like me to introduce it to you?" Odin said as he looked at the man.

"Yes." the man said as he kept his eyes on the mech.

"The colossus is the pinnacle war instrument of the early second millennia made in 161.M3 on Luna by a man known as the black general during the First apocalypse."

"The mech can be piloted with 100 men or ten synaptically linked pilots colossus wield a special weapon called the Mjolnir a 500-meter long gravity weapon capable of destroying even continents with ease."

"Colossus saw much use during the war most notably the assault on Antarctica which sunk 1/3 of the continent and boiled nearly all of the pacific ending the battle in five minutes and taking down 2 million A.I droids."

"After the era of reconstruction on earth, they were used to guard the lunar and martian colonies. The mech can easily take massive nuclear bombardments and can absorb the energy and use it to form a shield around it."

"Unlike their smaller counterparts, colossus can't transform into ships but they can teleport anywhere as long as they have a receiver and coordinates."

"You can own this war-gear with a great history for 3 billion points!" Odin finished his introduction and looked at the man.

The man looked confused but his brain started to go into overdrive he had many questions but he could only ask a few.

"What are points?" the man asked.

"Our store has a centralized currency called store points which can be used in our store to buy anything as currency is different in other systems so will the exchange from your currency to ours."

"We also do accept bartering you can trade an item and we will evaluate it giving it a credit that you can use to buy our items we do not accept refunds so please make sure you purchase after careful consideration."

"So how is the trade for this?" the man took out a guilder from house helmawr and showed it to Odin.

[1 guilder is equivalent to 3.25 system points]

"One will be 3.25 system points to buy the colossus you will need 923,076,924 guilders."

Once Odin said this the man looked astounded he knew it would be expensive but once he heard it did it finally sink in that it was an expensive machine.

"May I recommend something less expensive?" Odin said as he could tell he couldn't afford it and he wasn't surprised if the man did he would probably have to make sure he wasn't in a dream again.

The colossus was sold at a 50% increase because he had to make revenue all items were sold at 50% above their sale price.

Odin led the man to the thunder Eagle which looked like a more futuristic F-17. Odin started his introduction again.

"This is the thunder eagle also known as the nuclear chaos because of its special autocannon that fires a 250mm antimatter warhead that has the equivalent power of a 5 kiloton nuclear warhead."

"The eagle can fly at an astounding 15% the speed of light!"

"The eagle is equipped with many defensive and offensive systems such as neural pilot networks, energy shields, autopilot systems, and emergency stasis chambers in the cockpit."

"This wonderful lunar-made ship can be yours for the price of 1 million credits!"

"Also I forgot to mention this ship also has the ability to teleport using receivers the max distance is 200 light-years." Odin finished his second introduction and looked at the man with a smile.

"So will you take this beautiful lady today sir?"