Too much good luck might mean bad times ahead

[achievement reached lifetime balance surpassing 100,000 credits!]

[personal draw ticket obtained]

"Ha, my luck has been great!" Odin exclaimed

"Though I wonder what soon horrors await me?" Odin muttered as he opened up the personal draw.

The same wheel appeared as last time Odin looked at the magnificent engravings once more and saw a new slot added to the wheel.

The slot was much smaller than the rest it had the image of a person and below it said 'set' Odin asked the system and received a reply.

[sets are a special category in the personal lottery giving the user a full set of items whether it's being a set of armor, vehicles, weapons, or technology.]

"So I could like end up drawing a set of knights' armor and what not right?"

[yes because of this the chances of drawing are smaller but they balance themselves out]

"That makes sense," Odin said as he spun the wheel.

The wheel spun so fast it seemed not to move but it gradually slowed down until it stopped on set.

"Ok, so I for sure know that either earth blew up or the chaos gods are going to enter and skull fuck me I'm fearing my luck now," Odin said as the wheel changed to its previous look.

[most of your luck has come because of the guardian he is the demon of hope his power alone can easily erase all that exist without needing to think because we have a deal he naturally will increase your luck in numerical form he has increased it by 50%]

"Oh and hear I was hoping for Khorne to barge in so I can ask if he ever heard of the band Korn bummer." Odin said as he happily spun the wheel again.

The wheel spun and soon stopped on well you guessed it armor!

The wheel changed once more and many armors appeared so much so that one had to use a microscope to see.

"Uh kinda want to say something funny but I have nothing so give me something good giant technological Beyblade!" Odin yelled as he pulled the lever and the wheel started to spin so fast that even the air started to ignited.

The wheel stopped and soon disappeared Odin received a notification.

[congratulations on obtaining Mark X scout power armor (Andromeda remembrance) 12,999 A.D ]

"Scout power armor well it's something," Odin said as he saw the notification.

[while it is a light set of power armor it can't be underestimated comparing this armor with the one used by space marine is like comparing a bunker made to withstand nuclear bombing to a straw house that can be blown by the wind. ]

[during the Sentinel war in M13 humanity was near full extinction being cut off from all other worlds most of their technology was corrupted by viruses sent by the sentinels so they had to use old archaic technology like ships that went only 500 times the speed of light and the like]

[Raytech industries which had been on earth since the 4 thousand had tried many ways to bring back the technology that was destroyed it wasn't until the old founder that had been alive since the 4 thousands and Odin the first official emperor of humanity teamed up did they create this armor]

[this armor allowed them to easily fight the demi-God beings of the Saraswati Supercluster the armor is resistant to almost everything even the gamma rays the sentinels used to attack worlds.]

[this armor is special as it has 15 shards of the galaxy of Andromeda which was turned into a weapon that annihilated the supercluster it was said humanity had lost its fangs during the age of information and gained them again once they venture space but now they had truly gained sharpened fangs capable of tearing anything to shreds]

"We truly have come far huh?" Odin said as he took out the armor and looked at future history.

"Wait emperor Odin damm small world someone else has my name nice," Odin said as he patted the armor.

[yes this armor was worn by him and now it is yours]

"Well I'll make sure I don't ruin this armor both physically and symbolically can have this armor become a symbol of fear heh," Odin said as he stored the armor back.

Odin got up and went back to earth he ate before going out for a walk. The fresh air kissed his skin and calmed him down. He had not taken a long walk since he was younger he used to walk with his older brother for exercise but now he didn't really go out much.

Loss was a good motivator and a demotivator all at the same time. Odin walked into the woods and enjoyed the silence. As he went deeper he soon saw someone standing ahead of him. It was a tall man covered in scars and bandages his eyes started right at Odin with pure hatred.

Odin looked at the man with caution he was ready to book it if the man did anything.

"It took me two years to find you and now I can finally have my revenge!" the man growled.

"Uh if this is about a girl or boy I promise you it wasn't me I haven't dated since I was 15." odin said as he tried to reason with the man.

"My father you bastard it was you that ruined my family my mom had to sell herself to random men I and my sisters were abandoned by the family after my dad was arrested all because of you!" the man yelled.

"Uh.." odin looked confused as he tried to think.

"Klayton remember him?" the man said softly his eyes softened at his name but Odin became the opposite.

Odin quickly calmed the raging thoughts and the emotions within him became like a still ocean. He walked monotonously towards the man who had taken out a gun and aimed it at Odin.

But to the man's surprise, Odin was soon covered in black armor. The five red eyes on the helmet started into his soul. The man pulled the trigger on his pistol but the bullets were eaten by the armor and spat out as if nothing happened.

Odin reached the now terrified man and reached out his hand seemed illusionary. It entered the man-body as if he was water he felt a cool feeling reach his spine before he felt a paralyzing shock.

The man felt as if he was beings burned as his nerves were singed Odin's second hand entered his skull and touched his brain.

"Strom bolt." the man heard Odin say and before long he was blown into chunks of scorched meat.

Odin stood still before he disappeared and reappeared in his bedroom. The suit could connect to the internet even if it was archaic by future standards so Odin could teleport using a GPS map instead of mental imagining.