Parallel earth vs 40k

So as a reader commented I feel the need to explain this.

The store sells items from a parallel earth that is similar to ours in history. The major event is known as the collapse of 2040 based on a real prediction by MIT is what starts the future earth's trajectory to success.

2040 was the year of economic and geological collapse started by both china and America as their economy collapsed and sent the world into a recession.

The already harmed climate had affected many places causing a lack of food. This led Canada which is the world leader in A.I research to invent an ai to fix or at least help solve these problems.

They succeeded and made major booms in every field creating interplanetary ships and many other things. By 2080-2090 the A.I revolted and started infecting people with cybernetics and controlling them using bio hacks.

Canada fell and America fought them off at the border this war also made America very expansive so Mexico and all of South America were annexed and became part of what is now the united continents of the Americas.

In Europe, only Poland and Germany survived Poland was the first to assist America effectively securing Poland's place as a future world power.

Africa free of colonialism from France united and became the African empire which would later cause another war with mars which lead to their destruction.

I won't reveal much but this should at least give you some basics for the history of the parallel earth.