Leaving the city

"Buy healing cream." Odin said as walked to the study room.

A small black and green container appeared in Odin's hands. Opening the lid, the medical scent spread out, but Odin didn't smell it as his suit worked to protect him against the unknown pathogens of this world.

Entering the study room Odin saw Ulv and his sister who to his surprise had an abundant amount of warp energy coming in and out of her body but this energy was a little different instead of the chaos intertwined in the energy there was a grand vitality that seemed to connect with the world.

"What's your name, girl?" Odin said as he gave the healing creme to Ulv and registered to rub it on Ulven's knees.

"løvinne." the girl said.

"Well, at least it wasn't wolf so miss lioness I want to ask about your powers, do you mind?" Odin said as he sat down on the floor.

"My power, what are you talking about?" løvinne said, her expression showing mild shock.

"I can tell you are a fighter. Maybe we can talk later?" Odin said. His tone seemed to imply something else that only løvinne could comprehend.

Odin got up and checked on Ulven. his knee, which looked bloody with small bits of bone sticking out, was now healed. The healing cream was a level 2 product he had gained recently, only half an hour before Ulv entered the store. The creme was made during the digital war between the south Asian federation and Australia.

The war had sent the world into an apocalypse and isolated many countries as the internet had collapsed. The cream was an accidental creation. Its intended purpose was to be used as a hacking device that a person could ingest and then use in broad daylight.

The nanites received the wrong programming and instead healed the user after adding a few medicinal herbs and other medicines, it could treat serious wounds.

The quick healing of the nanites was hastened by a drug that increased cell growth, allowing the nanites to fix the injury in at most half an hour.

Odin checked the knee properly before he allowed Ulven to stand up.

"So what are you going to do I doubt you can stay here?" Odin said as he looked at some books in the study room.

"Yes, we can't that's why I'm taking us to Greg and Fyr's hideout Ulv told me about you whether or not it's true I need your help to take my children there so can you help us?" Ulven said as he grabbed books and documents.

"Well, I need help, so naturally I'll help you pack up. We leave in an hour." Odin left the room and sat on the couch in the living room as everyone started to pack up.

After an hour of running around, the three people finally had everything they needed.

"You guys ready?" Odin asked as he got up.

"Yes, but we need your help taking an old relic from our ancestor. It's quite heavy, so we can't move it." Ulven said as he led Odin to the basement.

Down beneath was a very advanced room. At the far back was a green armor that Odin knew. The right shoulder plate showed the symbol of the salamanders, and it even had its bolter. Odin was stunned, and he turned to look at Ulven.

"How the fuck did your ancestor get this?" Odin asked.

"Around a few thousand years ago a meteorite crashed our ancestor was an explorer and had been near the site so he went to inspect it but he realized it wasn't a meteorite but an escape pod that held a tall man that wore this armor the man was dead but my father had taken the armor off with much difficulty and taken it home to study it."

"I have to say your ancestor was strong to carry that armor," Odin said as he walked up to it.

Odin looked at the armor and saw that it was well kept. Only a bit of dust was on it, but it was practically new. He took the bolter and checked it. The ammo inside was also new, but he didn't trust ammo that was a thousand years old, whether or not it was advanced technology.

Odin stored the two in his inventory, much to Ulven's amazement. The two went up and exited the house, Odin followed behind them in stealth.

Going through many alleyways, the group finally made their way out of the city and entered the forest where the beast mostly lived in. The journey was uneventful, as Odin silently dealt with any dangers that approached the group.

Each beast he killed he store as he wanted to study them. To Odin, this was a gold mine of knowledge and his head was running with many theories. Soon they arrived at a mountainous area and, after a bit more walking, finally arrived at a hidden entrance in the mountain.

Entering the passage, they wandered through darkness until they saw a man protected in terminator armor. The group stopped and looked at the man with worry.

"Ulven, is that you?" the man said as he walked up.

"Ragnar?" Ulven said questioningly.

"Haha, it is you! Come, come, the rest are inside!" Ranger said as he waved to the group.

As they entered, the group was met with many advanced technologies that were at least a few decades or more advanced than theirs. Once they reached the main area, they saw two people. One was a man who looked worse than the emperor and a woman who seemed to have cybernetics replacing her limbs.

"Fyr, what happened to you?" Ulven asked as he looked at the cybernetics.

"You can guess," Fyr said as she got up. Her balance was unsteady as she was getting used to her implants.

"Can you help her?" Ulven said.

The others were confused, but the group was not. Fyr felt her arm beings pulled up, and she noticed a giant man in dark armor.

"Not right now, but I can deal with these faulty implants." Odin said as he connected the implants with his suit and read her vitals.

"Faulty?" Greg said after the shock subsided.

"Yes, the implants have a high rejection rate for her biology as they are connected to her brain. If they are rejected, her synapses will be cooked and she'll die being cooked well done." Odin said as he tried to get the information on the cybernetic limbs.

"You know, I was working on some cybernetics. Maybe I can make you some, but I'll need the materials." Odin looked around the area and saw many computers and research equipment.

"So what was your grand discovery, anyway?"