Engagement Dinner

Jiang Mu now knew she was one of the heroines and needed to know everything about it.

She also seem to understand something was stopping her to tell Chu Xuan about this. She also tried talking to her secretary but no words came out not much to her surprise. She wanted to know all about this and if Chu Xuan know about this all, why is he still acting.

"Knock knock"

There was a knock on the door and Chu Xuan was standing out her office. She composed herself and called him in.

Chu Xuan sat opposite to Jiang Mu, "By the way boss, there is a dinner tonight and my parents wanted to invite you."

"Oh what dinner?"

"It seems to about my engagement with Qingyue"

"Okay I'll come. You seem to really like that Su Qingyue. She really did magic on you."

Chu Xuan with his infatuated looking eyes nodded "yes, she is the only one for me.". But inside,

[Love her my ass. I would better marry a monkey than Su Qingyue.]

[Who could love that cold and arrogant person.]

[I can't wait for her to fall in love the protagonist and be his obedient dog.]

Jiang Mu on the other side couldn't hold her laugh. She embarrassedly tried to hide it when Chu Xuan gave her a confused look.

"I have work to do now" and Chu Xuan left her office. After thinking she got back to her work.

Su Qingyue couldn't take it when Chu Xuan compared her to a monkey and nearly lost it when she got to hear she will the protagonist's dog. As a prideful and arrogant women she couldn't take it and broke the cup in her hand.

Her secretary on her side got scared, 'What happened to ma'am. She never behaves like this. It must be because of that Chu Xuan always pestering her.'

Soon the evening came and Chu Xuan didn't change much as he knew he was going to be rejected any way. He got in his car with Jiang Mu and drive straight towards the venue.

After reaching they entered the suite where both the parents of Chu Xuan and Su Qingyue were sitting on the table. Chu Xuan just greeted them all and took his seat pouring wine to both the dad's. Jiang Mu smiled at them and took her seat by Mei Lan, Chu Xuan's mother.

They did some small talk and suddenly Jiang Mu asked,

"Is there any changes in Chu Xuan?"

Mei Lan pondered for a bit said, "Now you say he suddenly calls us almost everyday and is nice to the maids too."

"He seems more matured than his natural arrogant self. I guess he finally understood our pain."

Jiang Mu just smiled and didn't say much but she confirmed something.

'He is definitely a traverser.' She read a few novels and seemed to understand this much.

Chu Xuan on the side frowned seeing Su Qingyue not come and thought of the plot'

[Su Qingyue should now come with the protagonist, Lin Hao any moment now.]

[And our protagonist will come in his iconic attire, a floral shirt on baggy pants with slippers.]

[Coming here he will say things like "In this day and age, arranged marriages are still practiced and your daughter is not a commodity." "Is it worth it to trade your daughter's happiness for the future?" while holding Su Qingyue hands and she will like it.]

[Uhh who says and likes these kinds of lines.]

Hearing this Jiang Mu's ears perked and was attentively looking at the entrance. After some time one man and woman entered. The woman was Su Qingyue, still as cold as ever.

The man was obviously our protagonist who had handsome face with short hair and a wild aura around him in his iconic attire which he feels make him look different.

The man was obviously our protagonist who had handsome face with short hair and a wild aura around him in his iconic attire which he feels make him look different.

Seeing a man with Su Qingyue Chu Xuan roared "Who is he? And why are you close to my Qingyue"

"He is Lin Hao, he is just a ra"

Before Su Qingyue could reply Lin Hao interrupted holding her hands "I am her boyfriend."

The audience was quiet even Su Qingyue couldn't speak for a while.

Su Qingyue wanted to speak that he was just a random stranger brought to break the engagement.

"What a great daughter you have." Chu Xinghe, Chu Xuan's father said to Su Qingyue's parent's

Mei Lan also stepped up, "What's the meaning of this?"

Su Qingyue's father quickly got up and aplozied, "I am sorry I'll teach my daughter properly."

Su Qingyue's mom also glared at her. Her eyes clearly asking "What is going on?"

And here, Lin Hao proudly said: "In this day and age, arranged marriages are still practiced and your daughter is not a commodity."

"Is it worth it to trade your daughter's happiness for the future of your business?"

"Don't you love your daughter a little."

"I will take care of Su Qingyue."

After a few words, the scene again became quiet. Chu Xuan sighed and took a deep breath. He was about to start bringing out his acting.