Su Qingyue apologizes?

Chu Xuan hung up Su Qingyue's call and got back to his 'work'. He pretended like he never heard the call.

Su Qingyue on the other side didn't know what to do. If she couldn't hear his voice, she would think that the call didn't go through at all. One has to know Chu Xuan would never miss her call on the contrary he would call her everyday to her obvious annoyance.

Everyone in the city knew how infatuated Chu Xuan was no would believe he hung up his goddess call. This was also a shock for Su Qingyue who couldn't accept it for some reason she herself didn't understand but is she the one to give up?

After more than 10 calls did Chu Xuan finally decide to pick it up.

[Su Qingyue is a stupid, if you don't have work don't disturb me, sorry I am busy.]

[What are you talking about looking for me, you are the heroine, you look for the protagonist, why are you looking for me?]

Chu Xuan cleared his inner thoughts and brought out his award-winning acting, "Hello, Qingyue it is so good to hear your voice first thing in the morning."

Su Qingyue would have believed him if not for his inner thoughts, "Chu Xuan, I am calling today for yesterday."

"oh you don't have to worry about the Su family. I love you and will not do anything to them."

"No, it's not that it's just....I am sorry I was wrong yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just I am not ready for marriage yet and "

"It's okay don't worry I will win your heart one day and make you fully accept me." Chu Xuan interrupted and said with lot of affection and self-confidence. If someone else heard it they might really start developing a crush for them but alas it didn't happen.

Su Qingyue was speechless for a while and didn't know what to say, "Okay, let's try to be friends first."

That was the best she could come up as she didn't want to reject or be rude to him. She also wanted to know the real Chu Xuan for some reason after last night's dream.

After some small talk and flattering he finally ended the phone.

[Su Qingyue took the initiative to call and apologize that was a first for both lives.]

[Maybe she finally felt sorry for her parents and feared the wrath of my Chu family on hers.]

[Yes, that must be or why would she call the villain.]

Chu Xiao subconsciously consoled himself thinking she feared his family wrath and called. And why would the author write the call between them, the villain and heroine. Who would want to read that. The heroine would obviously fear a colossal family like the Chu family. The Su family will be gone with a word.

All the people listening to Chu Xuan's voice noticed something important here, 'two lives' which intrigued them. Maybe they had a past life. But all a common thing in mind that was to know about their plot and change the direction of their fate. All were arrogant and proud women, why would they follow someone else's writing.

Jiang Mu sitting in her office was also in deep thoughts. What would her plot be like? Will she be one of the heroines that follows the protagonist blindly? With these thoughts she was unable to do her work. But she made a resolve in her mind that will change her fate for worst or the better only time can tell.

In the evening, everyone was done with their work in the office and about to leave. Chu Xuan also headed home thinking about the plot.

[Now, the protagonist should be wandering around and head to the bar on the west street where he will meet Su Qinyue.]

[Su Qingyue, a beautiful women alone in the bar at night will be surrounded by some drunken men and be terrified.]

[For fear no will standup to help her but our protagonist will come to help.]

[And your hero saving the beauty will start melting the ice princess's heart.]

Su Qingyue hearing her plot couldn't help but break the pen in her hand. She was already feeling the need to go for a drink.

'No, I won't go the bar. Let's see how your plot unravels.' Thinking this she smirked as she was enjoying her victory over Chu Xuan.

"Knock knock, Ma'am may I come in?" Her secretary called.

"Yes, come in."

"Ma'am one of our important clients has a bar opening today. He invited us there to be part of the event. He is very important to our company so you should personally go there."

Su Qingyue's happy mood instantly turned ashen. She thought she came over her fate but actually not. She understood one thing the world is making the plot happen. But she is not someone to give up so easily, is she? She immediately called someone.

"Hello, I need all of the strongest Bodyguards you have now."

She wanted to see Lin Hao, the protagonist come to her.