Lin Hao beatdown (2)

The fight on the other side was going on as Lin Hao was overpowering them but due to the number he couldn't break free so easily. Lin Hao had a glimpse of Wang Ruyou and his eyes immediately lit up. He has already investigated about the top families and all the beautiful women before coming here.

{She is more beautiful in real life than the pictures.}

{I must find a way to get her.}

{She can only be suitable for someone like me.}

Lin Hao had his evil smile when he thought of getting Wang Ruyou as he thought. Chu Xuan and Wang Ruyou both heard his thoughts and both had different reactions to it. Chu Xuan just smiled wryly as he already knew about Lin Hao's lecherous behavior and thought,

[Do you ever think using your brain rather than your lower part.]

Wang Ruyou had more of an repulsive reaction to Lin Hao's thoughts and disgusted him more and more. Other than Chu Xuan no one was allowed to think of her that way.

All of their thoughts came to an halt as an police sirens were heard. Immediately a few police cars arrived and a ocean blue hair and eyes women came out of a police cruiser and everyone stopped with what they were doing. The gang members who Chu Xuan brought were especially had a terrified look on their faces.

"Everyone freeze where ever you are." The police woman shouted as the other police officers also came out and pointed their guns at the group who were fighting earlier.

One police officer went towards the policewoman and said, "Captain Bai according to multiple reports received and witnesses we found that young master Chu of the Chu family brought local gang members to instigate a fight and assault Mr. Lin Hao." The officer quickly informed of all the information he received to Bai Wanshi.

Bai Wanshi then looked at Lin Hao first with narrowed eyes then moved her gaze to Chu Xuan as if trying to see through him.

[Isn't it a little too early for her to appear? She should appear only after Lin Hao subdued all of the thugs.]

[Whatever, now come and arrest me so we can get this over with.]

[Thinking about it she has doesn't have much of a brain just want to bring justice to people.]

[The growth is totally in the wrong place, see that button is about to burst hahaha.]

Bai Wanshi suddenly felt uncomfortable hearing this and seeing his line of sight which was on her chest area she glared at him. Wang Ruyou also noticed it and pinched Chu Xuan on his side of his abdomen in anger.

[What was that for?]

[Never mind, now Wang Ruyou go and stand up for the protagonist and bail him out later.]

Lin Hao on side also saw Bai Wanshi come and his eyes lit up when he saw her here.

{Hehe we meet again as if it was fate.}

{It won't be long when I will conquer you too.}

{This police uniform surely shows her assets well, this shirt of hers could burst anytime now.}

Bai Wanshi after hearing this could clearly feel undisguised lust in his eyes. He was looking at her like he would pounce on her anytime which made her angrier and more disgusted with him. She just ignored him and moved forward.

"Arrest all of them and bring them back to the station. Leave no one behind. I will go arrest him." Bai Wanshi said as she pointed at Chu Xuan. She knew normal officers wouldn't want to offend some heir of influential family. But she was different as she had more influential background than anyone here and treats everyone equally irrelevant of their status.

"Officer we meet again. And as you can see I am the victim here." Lin Hao pushed passed the officers and said loudly to Bai Wanshi. The officers trying to arrest him also halted as they could see that he knew their Captain and was correctly a victim here.

Bai Wanshi ignored him looked at the officer in-charge, "Why haven't you arrested him yet?". The officer panicked then finally asked, "Captain do you know him? He says to be acquainted with you."

Bai Wanshi casually replied without even looking at him, "No, I don't know him."

"Officer I was the one who helped you last week catch a thief don't you remember?"

"No, I don't." Bai Wanshi without even thinking said.

"Maybe I left without even saying my name so you forgot."

[How can you forget such an important thing. You really need brain supplements.]

[The protagonist planned that whole thief thing just for you!]

"Arrest him with the others and lock him up for interrogation."

Bai Wanshi finally understood why that thief was so hard to catch and Lin Hao looked familiar to her. She really admired a person who does good deeds without the need for fame. She almost fell for it if not the voice in her head. She had many questions for Chu Xuan and wanted to ask him clearly about why could she hear him.

As she moved forward Wang Ruyou's men stopped her from approaching Chu Xuan. She glared at Wang Ruyou and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, you and your men are free to go. Don't interfere in an official case then don't mind me being rude and arresting you also in a felony charge for obstruction in justice."

Wang Ruyou clearly didn't back down and took out a gun from her purse and pointed towards Bai Wanshi who did the same seeing her. The tension was rising as her men and the police officers also took out their guns.

"Stop, everyone stop." Chu Xuan could see the situation getting more and more chaotic and couldn't help but try to diffuse the situation as quick as possible as he went forward towards Bai Wanshi and then put his hands forward, "Captain Bai you are here to arrest me, right?"

"Chu Xuan why ar" seeing the situation transpiring Wang Ruyou wanted to interfere but was stopped midway by Chu Xuan's cold-eyed stare. Bai Wanshi quickly put handcuffs on and took him to her cruiser.

Lin Hao who clearly saw the situation against him tried one last try, "Officer as you can see I am the victim here so why do I need to be handcuffed? As for cooperating with you, I will fully do it with you as a responsible citizen and to bring justice." He said heroically as to win her favor.

"You all yourself a victim after doing that." Bai Wanshi retorted as she pointed towards the injured men who were laying on the ground with severe injuries.

"That was just self defense as you can see." Lin Hao also didn't backdown from his statement.

"Self-defense is one thing but what you did is more like a case of assault and battery. Look at the condition of the men lying down. Call whomever you want but I am gonna not let you of easily without proper investigation." Bai Wanshi said with undisguised anger and as if condemning him to death.

{Woman don't go too far!}

{When has the dignified Dragon King, me has been arrested and humiliated as such.}

{Wait till I capture you under my crotch and then I will see where your arrogance is.}

Lin Hao didn't show it onto his face but he was pissed as he was not taken seriously. He was being clearly ignored many times as he didn't matter and even being arrested for something he considered himself to be innocent. As the protagonist arrogance is engraved onto his bones and everyone has to listen to him. If not either he will make them submit or they disappear from the face of earth forever.

Once in a 3rd world country he was arrested by local police. The whole of the police station along with its officers were either killed or destroyed with it. The nation also didn't do anything about it as it was powerless against his mercenary organization and feared them. That was how powerful he is but here the laws were strict and the government was even powerful. He didn't want to arouse too much suspicion and get the attention of some people who were out of his league for now so he cooperated with the police but inside he remembered this humiliation.

Bai Wanshi on the other hand took Chu Xuan to her cruiser and tied him there and sat with him together on the backseat. The driver and Chu Xuan were both stunned by her action. Normally the police would just tie the criminals on the back seat and not sit with them if not extremally dangerous criminals who might escape.

"You know I won't escape so you don't have to sit with me."

"No, I have somethings to talk to you about."

"So, what do you want to ask me? Yes, I called the thugs to beat him up so what?"

Normally Bai Wanshi would not just sit with any male but she had more of a favorable impression of him than Lin Hao as he accepted his crime and made no fuss in being arrested and also had this weird feeling that she was missing something.

She has seen many people being arrested, people with high background, especially heirs of rich aristocratic families would make a lot of commotion before being arrested. They would try bringing out their backgrounds or try to bribe if these not work simply they start blatantly threating with power. That of course didn't work with her.

She could see he was different from the other young masters. He was clearly not like someone from the rumors she heard about him. And hearing his voice she had this intuition that he had more to just being what he actually shows.

"Chu Xuan I can"